Access Bars
(not a physiotherapy service)
Did you know there are 32 points on the head, representing areas of your life that contain thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, beliefs, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime or even passed down from generations?
By gently touching these points on the head, the energy and barriers dissipate the electromagnetic charge that gets locked in our brains by these thoughts, feelings, and emotions, thus allowing you to let go of all limitations and open up to receive.
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The Powerful Energetic Technique That Has Changed Countless Lives Worldwide - Access Bars
Access Consciousness The Bars
What is Access Bars? | Stories of Change
Releasing stuck energy is like deleting old files off your computer... Five minutes can erase years of stored points of view. You then have more space to create new and wonderful experiences.
Touch one Bar and you begin to clear the energy locked up in that area of your life. Touch another Bar, you clear the “issues” from the first Bar, as well as “issues” stored in that second Bar, allowing for exponential change. Having your Bars run is a nurturing and relaxing process – your brain waves slow down to Theta and Delta brain waves, and your head empties all of those limiting thoughts, allowing you to gain clarity and be more energized and focused.
Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people in changing many aspects of their body life, including sleep, health, weight, money, relationships, anxiety, stress, and so much more. At worst, you will feel as if you just had a phenomenal head massage; at best, your whole life could change into something greater with total ease.